Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Secret Garden Party 2015!

Sorry about the long break on posts, I have been super busy and catching up on sleep. However today is a new day and a new week, so I decided to get my act together and finally post my (rather short) review of Secret Garden Party. 

Secret Garden Party was first and foremost, very muddy and wet. This, working long shifts and not having enough sleep put me off venturing out into the festival as much as I normally would. So unfortunately my review for SGP will be a bit shorter than my usual festival reviews. 

I did manage to venture out on the Thursday and Friday before things got too muddy. However this was mostly to see arena its self.  What makes SGP different is that they take a lot of pride in the small things. The theme this year was childhood things, and as always there was artwork and installations all over the site to do with the theme. What made it extra special for me this year, was that one of my friends, Jess Grimsdale, an Illustration Student at Falmouth Uni, had her artwork up all over the festival. She had created SGP's Secret Alphabet. So there were 26 Letters dotted around the festival. Each had a word that was associated with that letter and SGP. For example, T was for Tomfoolery. That one was my favourite and is now on my wall at home. 

I didn't see anyone I had planned to see, because I was working and the mud meant it took twice as long to get anywhere. Hopefully I will catch them at later festivals. I did however come across Honne, who I hadn't heard of before, this English duo have a sort of futuristic soul sound and were great when I came across them on the main stage at SGP. They are playing at Electric Picnic, a festival I'm going to in September, so hopefully I will manage to catch their whole set there. 

Although the rain and mud prevented me from seeing many acts, I did have a really good time at Secret Garden Party. The arena its self this year was awesome, so well decorated and there was always something new to see. SGP always has brilliant acts that are always up for getting/ keeping the party going. Last year for example, they had Martha Reeves and the Vandellas, which was just incredible (one of my favourite performances I have ever seen). This year was no different, I just didn't manage to make it through the mud to see all the incredible acts.

If you managed to survive the mud and dress up to the 9s all weekend, let me know! I would love to hear from you. Let me know who you saw as well, it's always great to hear who you loved seeing.

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