Monday, November 23, 2015

Quick Update Time!

Hello! It's me...
Quick update time again! So this week is my birthday week, the big 2-1. I have a pretty mad week planned with lots going on. Later today I will be posting a new album review of a certain lady I adore and referenced at the very beginning of this post. I will also be posting a playlist on Wednesday (my B-day) of some of my favourite party tracks and songs that have to be played when you turn 21. Tomas and I will also be doing a special Birthday Breakfast Show on Nerve Radio, which I'm very excited (and nervous) about. But it will certainly be fun. So tune in to that from 9am - 10am on Wednesday morning!

However I got an email this morning that has made my birthday week even more special. I have been awarded the Bournemouth University Music Scholarship! I have loads of ideas on how I want to spend the money to help fund my love of music, some of the money will go towards starting singing lessons again and I want to buy myself a keyboard to practice and try and improve my poor piano playing.

So big exciting things to come! I can't wait to share it all with you guys!

Track of the Day: Happy - Pharrell Williams

1 comment:

Joey Tamburello said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHICKEN! Wish I could be there so much! We will party this weekend I am sure of it!

Have a great day!

Your One & Only (See what I did there!,
Joey X